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Offer,Handel Edition Volume 8 - Theodora, Acis and Galatea, etc.

Sophie Daneman (Galatea), Paul Agnew (Acis), Alan Ewing (Polyphemus), Patricia Petibon (Damon), Joseph Cornwell (Coridon), Sophie Daneman (Theodora), Richard Croft (Septimius), Juliette Galstian (Irene), Daniel Taylor (Didymus), Nathan Berg (Valens), Laurent Slaars (Messenger), Eva Mei (soprano)


No digital booklet included


Handel: Acis and Galatea

Work length1:31:04
  • Andrew Sinclair (tenor), Patricia Petibon (soprano), Alan Ewing (bass), David Le Monnier (baritone), François Piolino (tenor), Paul Agnew (tenor), Sophie Daneman (soprano), Joseph Cornwell (tenor)
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

Act 1 Sinfonia

Track length3:15

Act 1 "Oh, the pleasure of the plains!" [Chorus]

Track length4:47

Act 1 "Ye verdant plains and woody mountains" [Galatea]

Track length0:42

Act 1 "Hush, ye pretty warbling quire" [Galatea]

Track length6:29

Act 1 "Where shall I seek the charming fair?" [Acis]

Track length3:02

Act 1 "Stay, shepherd, stay!" [Damon]

Track length0:19

Act 1 "Shepherd, what art thou pursuing" [Damon]

Track length3:58

Act 1 "Lo! Here my love" [Acis]

Track length0:24

Act 1 "Love in her eyes sits playing" [Acis]

Track length6:11

Act 1 "Oh! Didst thou know the pains" [Galatea]

Track length0:13

Act 1 "As when the dove laments her love" [Galatea]

Track length6:08

Act 1 "Happy we!" [Acis, Galatea]

Track length2:40

Act 1 "Happy we!" [Chorus]

Track length1:11

Act 2 "Wretched lovers!" [Chorus]

Track length4:21

Act 2 "I rage, I melt, I burn" [Polyphemus]

Track length1:14

Act 2 "O ruddier than the cherry" [Polyphemus]

Track length3:02

Act 2 "Whither, fairest, art thou running" [Polyphemus, Galatea]

Track length0:55

Act 2 "Cease to beauty to be suing" [Polyphemus]

Track length4:26

Act 2 "Would you gain the tender creature" [Damon]

Track length5:39

Act 2 "His hideous love provokes my rage" [Acis]

Track length0:21

Act 2 "Love sounds th'alarm" [Acis]

Track length4:32

Act 2 "Consider, fond shepherd" [Coridon]

Track length6:33

Act 2 "Cease, oh cease, thou gentle youth" [Galatea]

Track length0:24

Act 2 "The flocks shall leave the mountains" [Acis, Galatea, Polyphemus]

Track length2:14

Act 2 "Help, Galatea! Help, ye parent gods" [Acis]

Track length1:14

Act 2 "Mourn, all ye muses!" [Chorus]

Track length3:42

Act 2 "Must I my Acis still bemoan" [Galatea, Chorus]

Track length6:05

Act 2 "'Tis done - thus I exert pow'r divine" [Galatea]

Track length0:26

Act 2 "Heart, the seat of soft delight" [Galatea]

Track length3:35

Act 2 "Galatea, dry thy tears" [Chorus]

Track length3:02

Handel: Theodora, HWV 68

Work length2:57:28
  • Nathan Berg (baritone), Daniel Taylor (countertenor), Richard Croft (tenor), Sophie Daneman (soprano), Juliette Galstian (mezzo-soprano), Laurent Slaars (baritone)
  • Chœur des Arts Florissants, Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

Overture to Part I - Allegro

Track length3:04

Overture to Part I - Trio

Track length1:33

Overture to Part I - Courante

Track length1:39

Part I "'Tis Diocletian's natal day" [Valens]

Track length0:32

Part I "Go, my faithful soldier, go" [Valens]

Track length1:46

Part I "And draw a blessing down" [Chorus]

Track length2:05

Part I "Vouchsafe, dread Sir, a gracious ear" [Didymus, Valens]

Track length0:55

Part I "Racks, gibbets, sword and fire" [Valens]

Track length3:35

Part I "For ever thus stands fixed the doom" [Chorus]

Track length1:33

Part I "Most cruel edict!" [Didymus]

Track length0:30

Part I "The raptur'd soul defies the sword" [Didymus]

Track length8:27

Part I "I know thy virtues" [Septimius]

Track length0:41

Part I "Desend, kind pity, heav'nly guest" [Septimius]

Track length6:17

Part I "Tho' hard, my friends" [Theodora]

Track length0:27

Part I "Fond, flatt'ring world, adieu!" [Theodora]

Track length4:40

Part I "O bright example of all goodness!" [Irene]

Track length0:28

Part I "Bane of virtue" [Irene]

Track length5:25

Part I "Come, mighty Father" [Chorus]

Track length3:41

Part I "Fly, fly, my brethren" [Messenger] "Ah! whither should we fly?" [Irene]

Track length0:59

Part I "As with rosy steps the morn" [Irene]

Track length5:57

Part I "All pow'r in Heav'n above" [Chorus]

Track length2:18

Part I "Mistaken wretches!" [Septimius]

Track length0:19

Part I "Dread the fruits of Christian folly" [Septimius]

Track length2:39

Part I "Deluded mortal!" [Theodora, Septimius]

Track length1:01

Part I "Oh worse than death indeed!" [Theodora]

Track length0:26

Part I "Angels, ever bright and fair" [Theodora]

Track length3:20

Part I "Unhappy, happy crew!" [Didymus, Irene]

Track length1:09

Part I "Kind Heav'n, if virtue be thy care" [Didymus]

Track length5:27

Part I "O love, how great thy pow'r!" [Irene]

Track length0:23

Part I "Go gen'rous, pious youth" [Chorus]

Track length5:52

Part II "Ye men of Antioch" [Valens]

Track length0:36

Part II "Queen of summer, queen of love" [Chorus]

Track length0:50

Part II "Wide spread his name" [Valens]

Track length2:14

Part II "Return, Septimius" [Valens]

Track length0:37

Part II "Venus, laughing from the skies" [Chorus]

Track length1:18

Part II Symphony

Track length1:06

Part II "O thou bright sun!" [Theodora]

Track length0:33

Part II "With Darkness deep as is my woe" [Theodora]

Track length3:56

Part II Sinfonia

Track length1:48

Part II "But why art thou disquieted, my soul?" [Theodora]

Track length0:29

Part II "Oh, that I on wings could rise" [Theodora]

Track length3:40

Part II "Long have I known" [Didymus, Septimius]

Track length1:07

Part II "Tho' the honours that Flora and Venus receive" [Septimius]

Track length3:02

Part II "O save her then" [Didymus, Septimius]

Track length0:36

Part II "Deeds of kindness to display" [Didymus]

Track length6:34

Part II "The clouds begin to veil the hemisphere" [Irene]

Track length0:38

Part II "Defend her, Heav'n" [Irene]

Track length4:35

Part II "Or lulled with grief" [Didymus]

Track length0:34

Part II "Sweet rose and lilly, flow'ry form" [Didymus]

Track length2:43

Part II "O save me, Heav'n" [Theodora, Didymus]

Track length1:26

Part II "The pilgrim's home, the sick man's health" [Theodora]

Track length3:19

Part II "Forbid it, Heav'n!" [Didymus]

Track length0:31

Part II "Or say, what right have I" [Didymus, Theodora]

Track length1:33

Theodora, HWV 68, Part 2: "To thee, thou glorious son of worth" (Theodora, Didymus)

Track length4:34

Part II "'Tis night, but night's sweet blessing" [Irene]

Track length0:44

Part II "He saw the lovely youth" [Chorus]

Track length5:15

Part III "Lord to thee, each night and day" [Irene]

Track length4:20

Part III "But see, the good, the virtuous Didymus!" [Irene, Theodora]

Track length0:36

Part III "When sunk in anguish and despair" [Theodora]

Track length4:29

Part III "Blest be the hand" [Chorus, Theodora]

Track length3:26

Part III "Undaunted in the court" [Messenger, Irene]

Track length0:45

Part III "O my Irene, Heav'n is kind" "Stay me not, my friend" [Theodora]

Track length0:34

Part III "Whither, Princess, do you fly" [Irene, Theodora]

Track length1:17

Part III "She's gone, disdaining liberty and life" [Irene]

Track length0:30

Part III "New scenes of joy come crowding on" [Irene]

Track length3:29

Part III "Is it a Christian virtue, then" [Valens, Didymus] "Be that my doom" [Theodora, Septimius]

Track length1:53

Part III "From Virtue springs each gen'rous deed" [Septimius]

Track length7:05

Part III "Cease, ye slaves, your fruitless pray'r" [Valens]

Track length1:04

Part III "'Tis kind, my friends" [Didymus, Theodora]

Track length0:55

Part III "How strange their ends" [Chorus]

Track length4:24

Part III "On me your frowns" [Didymus, Theodora, Valens]

Track length0:42

Part III "And must such beauty suffer!" [Didymus, Theodora, Septimius]

Track length0:39

Part III "Streams of pleasure ever flowing..." "Thither let our hearts aspire!" [Didymus, Theodora]

Track length5:20

Part III "Ere this their doom is past" [Irene]

Track length0:25

Part III "O love divine, thou source of fame" [Irene, Chorus]

Track length4:09

Handel: Agrippina condotta a morire, HWV 110

Work length23:52
  • Eva Mei (soprano)
  • Il Giardino Armonico
  • Giovanni Antonini

I "Dunque sarà pur vero, che disseti la terra il sangue mio?" [Soprano]

Track length1:02

II "Orrida, oscura l'etra si renda" [Soprano]

Track length3:13

III "Ma pria che d'empia morte" [Soprano]

Track length0:51

IV "Renda cenere il tiranno" [Soprano]

Track length2:25

V "Sì, sì, del gran tiranno provi l'alta potenza 'l traditore" [Soprano]

Track length1:21

VI "Come, o Dio! bramo la morte a chi ebbe via da me?" [Soprano]

Track length6:51

VII "Se infelice al mondo vissi" [Soprano]

Track length4:28

VIII "Prema l'ingrato figlio di plaustro trionfal sponde gemmate" [Soprano]

Track length1:15

IX "Su, lacerate il seno, ministri" [Soprano]

Track length1:55

X "Ecco a morte già corro" [Soprano]

Track length0:31

Handel: Armida abbandonata, HWV 105

Work length15:05
  • Eva Mei (soprano)
  • Il Giardino Armonico
  • Giovanni Antonini

I "Dietro l'orme fugaci del guerrier" [Soprano]

Track length1:06

II "Ah! crudele, e pur ten' vai" [Soprano]

Track length5:00

III "Per te mi struggo, infido" [Soprano]

Track length0:28

IV "O voi, dell'incostante" [Soprano]

Track length0:49

V "Venti, venti, fermate, sì" [Soprano]

Track length2:34

VI "Ma che parlo, che dico?" [Soprano]

Track length1:09

VII "In tanti affanni miei assistimi almen tu, Nume d'amore!" [Soprano]

Track length3:59

Handel: La Lucrezia "O Numi eterni", Cantata HWV 145

Work length15:51
  • Eva Mei (soprano)
  • Il Giardino Armonico
  • Giovanni Antonini

I "O Numi eterni! O stelle! che fulminate empii tiranni" [Soprano]

Track length1:01

II "Già superbo del mio affanno" [Soprano]

Track length4:06

III "Ma voi forse nel Cielo, per castigo maggior del mio delitto" [Soprano]

Track length0:48

IV "Il suol che preme, l'aura che spira l'empio Romano" [Soprano]

Track length3:20

V "Ah! che ancor nell'abisso dormon le furie! [Soprano]

Track length1:17

VI "Alla salma infedel porga la pena" [Soprano]

Track length2:53

VII "A voi, padre, consorte, a Roma, al mondo presento il mio morir" [Soprano]

Track length0:48

VIII "Già nel seno comincia a compir questo ferro i duri uffizii" [Soprano]

Track length1:38